Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2nd Quarter Reading Book Project

Bella and Edward: *beep*Hey you’ve reached Bella and Edward we’re…preoccupied at the moment yea preoccupied good one Edward thanks Bella you do know that it recorded that I haven’t pushed the button yet…Really??? Oh um sorry I kind of ruined your take just rerecord it no I think I’ll leave it its kind of cute the two of us talking But it‘s not perfect your message should be perfect like you… I‘m far from perfect Bella…Don‘t start that again Edward Cullen your perfect in every way you out shine me…no I don‘t your way better looking…your biased*beep*

Emmett and Rosalie: *beep* Rosalie and Emmett’s phone we’re not here leave a message after the beep…that’s lame Rose I want my message to be fun…It’s not just yours and I think a traditional massage is fine…that may be fine for you but not for me I want one like E and R have left the building talk into your speaker and we’ll run it back again and don’t forget to leave your digits…that’s stupid why are you talking like an idiot??? That’s how people talk now a days… yea idiots…Emmett you totally ruined our answering machine message what the *beep*

Jasper and Alice: *beep* {reading off a card} Jasper here…Alice too…our phone is either off…dead…or we just don’t feel like…answering it…Oh Jasper don’t shut it off Edwards gunna be the first one to call and he’s going to need your help…Alice what’s the point of having an answering machine message if your just going to predict who’s calling and what they want…I wanted to do it ok just keep reading off the card I gave you…we’ll get back to you…just leave your name and number after the beep, like they really need to leave their name and number Alice what are we deaf and have amnesia or something??? That’s how you do a message Jasper you tell them to leave their name and number… I still don’t see the point *beep*

Jacob: *beep* Hey you’ve reached the Black residence Jacob speaking were not here at the moment…PAUL GET OUT OF THE FRIDGE….{stomps away hear a muffled HEY! Then the slamming of a door} If your Paul’s mother looking for him I just sent him out he’ll be home in a few…thanks for calling leave us a message. Oh and if this is Charlie if you hear from Bella please keep calling you’ll get me eventually I really want to know thanks {sigh} *beep*

Carlisle and Esme: *beep* Hey this is Carlisle I’m in surgery right now and Esme must be out with one of our foster kids please leave a message after the beep…I think that you should talk some more dear…why they know we’re not hear they know to leave a message what else is there I can’t think of anything and I’m…HUSH! You don’t know who would listen to this…I can just delete it an make a new Esme I’m not a new born any more…I’s just people like to hear other people a two second message would seem like we don’t care what they think…Ok then let’s just use this one there’s nothing incriminating and has both of us talking happy??? Yes thank you my love *beep*

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