The Awakening and The struggle are the first two books in the Vampire Diaries series. The protagonists are Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore. Damon, Stefan's brother, can be considered either the antagonist or a protagonist because he isn't always the antagonist but in the first book he is. In the second there is a greater power that is the antagonist that is beleived to be Damon but turns out not to be in the end. In this book we learn of Elena and her popular ways. She sees Stefan for the first time from far away and has to have him. Stefan tries his best to avoid Elena at all costs because she is almost the twin of the woman who turned him. He is afraid that he will fall in love with her. She works very hard to get him although he is resiliant until the halloween dance where one of their teachers gets stabbed and drained of his blood in the haunted house that they all are running. Stefan had gone in a calmed down the teacher right before the haunted house opened so he was the last person with him alive. Everybody but Elena beleives that he is the one who killed him. She warns him and gets him out of their before anyone can catch him so that he may have an aliabi. He still tries to stay away from her but is starting to faulter. The next big event is the winter dance and Stefan and Elena both go and end up dancing together. This is the first time Stefan really lets himself be close to Elena in a semi-romantic way. When they come back from Christmas break all of the students of the teacher who was murdered, including Elena and Stefan as well as Elena's best friends Bonnie, Matt, and Meredith, must all go to meetings with the new teacher and talk about what happened. At one of these meetings Stefan sees Demon and they are all introduced. Stefan and Elena have been hangining out increasingly. One time she shows up at his apartment in a bourding house unexpected and whitnesses him eating a bird on his roof. She had climbed up there. She got frightened and fell off the edge of the roof but he was fast and caught her. Damon, who had also been turned by Elena's 'twin', has fallen for her and is trying to get her from his brother. He has been attacking the townspeople and menipulating the mortals. Stefan and Elena had gotten together and now that she new what he was and still wanted him Stefan had proposed to her. Elena and her friends were in the play on their tows founding day. No one had known that Stefan and Her had gotten married or what Stefan or Damon were but Elena had been writing in her diary about it and when wher rivaling student stole her diary their imortality was about to be revealed. She was planning to read it out loud at the performance. They all managed to get her diary back but not before elena had run away. Her aunt had made her extremly angry and she ran away. There was a storm with very large winds chasing her. She tried to cross a bridge but a gust of wind knocked her car over the edge and into the water. Stefan had learned of her disapearence and tried to run after her. He found her car and pulled her out but she was already dead. He left her to track down his brother and they started battling. She woke up, although no longer human. Damon had forced her to trade blood wiht him. He drank hers and fed her some of his. You don't become a vampire just from this you must then be killed somehow and the drowning had done that. Damon had no idea bout her drowning but Stefan was to greif stricken and outraged to care so they continued fighting in the woods.
There are no quotes from reporters on this book or the other. A lot of people think that these books greatly reflect the twilight sereis and their are a few similarities but there are far more differences. Yes there is a male vampire and a Female human who fall in love but there is also a brother and a whole past that is intertwined with this. The characteristics of the vampires and their turnings are different as well. I have not read any other books by this other.
A unique qualitiy to this book is that it is written in two different points of views. It switches from Stefan's point of view to Elena's and back and forth between the two depending on what is needed.
"'But you've got to wear the blood.' she [bonnie] was saying pleadingy. 'It's part of the scene; you're a scrifice.' 'wearing these ridiculous robes is bad enough' replied Tanner shortly. 'No one informed me I was going to have to smear syrup all over myself.'"(189)
L. J. smith gave the twilight fan's a different perspective on vampires and vampirism in general. I own both books and I couldn't put them down when I read them for the first time there is adventure after twist after another adventure in them. This follows a more traditional vampire thought but it is still different for they can go out in sunlight but only when wearing a certain amulet. I often comment on how sexy I think Stefan is just because he is Italian and the good guy rather than how the Italian Vulturi are evil in the Twilight series so I like that aspect more.
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